Individual Coaching


Group Coaching


Immersive Experiences


Individual Coaching * Group Coaching * Immersive Experiences *

Here’s the Thing.

We are disconnected from the deeper parts of who we are. Detached from our grief, our anger, our joy, our bodies, our passions, our voice— from the truth of what’s really inside. Disconnected from the physical world around us and our people in it. Trauma—and simply living in this fast-paced world— has fragmented us. 

We have given ourselves away indiscriminately to the next, loudest thing asking for our attention and calling it a life. Secretly, we want more. Or less. Or different. We believe wrong of us to want anything different and we feel ashamed to admit it and too tired to do anything about it.

HEre’s What we really want.

We want reconnection. Reconnection to play, freedom, and wonder. More confidence. More intimacy, honesty and creativity. More wild. More clarity. More margin. More kindness. More spaces and places to ask questions and to heal and reconnect to our bodies, our relationships, and the world around us.

We want to know, like, and trust ourselves. We want to stop hiding. We want more life and want our faith to be big enough to hold it all.

What we really want is reconnection to the deeper parts of who we are, to things we care about and to the things we’ve forgotten.

This type of expansion and abundance is here for you and you don’t have to betray yourself or your beliefs to find it. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Our lives are meant to be given, not taken-but we can’t give what we don’t know we have.

Here’s how I can help.

It can be overwhelming to even know where or how to start. Having a guide can ensure you receive the encouragement, guidance and companionship you need.

Together, we can begin to identify areas of disconnection and carve the path home. With compassionate curiosity, we will explore patterns, systems, seasons and stories that have kept you small and begin to reshape and retell that framework, finding new ways of being.

Whether you are interested in individual or couples therapeutic coaching, group coaching, immersive experiences, or having me facilitate a workshop at your next gathering, I believe synthesizing all the layers and parts of ourselves —loving and leading from wholeness— is what makes life rich and meaningful.

Let’s explore together

Click on the + to learn more about each offering.

  • Individual and Couples sessions about what you want as often as you need it. Learn what you can expect in a session or get started here.

    Each session is 50/75 minutes, via zoom.

  • Whether you’re looking to maintain the progress you’ve made, connect with a community of like-minded individuals, or explore new dimensions of growth, these circles offer a flexible, supportive, and budget-friendly way to stay engaged or begin your coaching journey.

  • In the midst of ongoing transformational work, there comes a time to delve deeper, to pause and reflect in places that challenge and inspire us. Learn more about in person experiences here

  • Customized 60-90 minute workshops are available for your next gathering. Workshops are designed for companies, group gatherings, couples, women, and faith communities.

    learn more about workshops here

  • Over various seasons of my life, I have had the high honor of joining friends in our quest for rest, healing and curiosity about the human experience. I invite you to listen in!

    start listening here

What people are saying:

  • Anyone looking to deepen their understanding of themselves, others, or life's direction would benefit from working with Stefanie. She is the best person to cheer you on in the direction of life, dreams, hopes, joy, peace, and compassion.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie has helped me connect the pieces of my past hurts to my present reality to a vision of a fully alive future. Holding space for all of my life has felt important to realizing the wholeness I desire.

    Coaching Client

  • I truly cannot recommend Stefanie enough. I would trust her to lead any of my closest friends.

    Coaching Client

  • I have been to counseling so many times before. This is the first time I feel like I have been equipped with how to do things differently and actually see changed behavior instead of just identifying things and them sitting with them.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie brings a unique combination of gifts, skills and perspective. As a result, she is able to respond and provide guidance through a wide variety of life experiences. We’ve covered a huge array of things that concern me and impact my life. I don’t wonder whether what I bring to our time is “appropriate” to this space. I trust Stefanie will help us find a path through to understanding and growth.

    Coaching Client

  • My first experience with Stefanie was as a retreat facilitator. I was drawn to her presence and her ability to create the space for a room full of unique individuals to connect more deeply with themselves. Her creative and expansive approach was an invitation into something different and deeper than I’ve known.

    Retreat Participant and Coaching Client

  • Working with Stefanie is an opportunity to be seen where you are and to move toward what you desire and who you want to be. Whether in a 1:1 relationship or as a retreat facilitator, being with Stefanie is an invitation to see differently and to live into that vision.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie has an uncanny way of building bridges between people in easy ways that protect them from feeling too vulnerable while getting them to open up.

    Retreat Participant

  • In this season of "transitioning" lots of pieces of my life, she's been a great guide. Intuitive, wise, discerning and challenging.

    Coaching Client

  • If you are new to working with someone, Stefanie’s warm, calm presence will be a safe, inviting place to explore what you need and desire in your time together. If you have partipated in a coaching or therapeutic relationship in the past, Stefanie will bring a fresh perspective to continue on your journey.

    Coaching Client

  • Gosh, I thought about our morning session through out my day so much. I want to thank you for diving deep on some things that feel really significant, even life changing. Congruence. This word you mentioned several times and has stuck with me. One of your gifts is finding really unique and creative ways to look at hard things.

    Coaching Client

  • Prior to meeting Stefanie, the actions and emotions of my life felt robotic. I first encountered Stefanie at a retreat. I wasn't expecting much in a room of mostly strangers but the way she guided the sessions and activities was life changing. I knew I wanted those moments to continue. With each session she helps me unpack a new layer of understanding, guiding me to a deeper and more balanced sense of self and purpose.

    Coaching Client and Retreat Participant

  • Anyone looking to deepen their understanding of themselves, others, or life's direction would benefit from working with Stefanie. She is the best person to cheer you on in the direction of life, dreams, hopes, joy, peace, and compassion.

    Coaching Client

  • Having a role at home where I need to always be leading out front, organizing, and solving, it was refreshing to have the space to stay on the sidelines, engage as I needed to, and relax into a role I'm not frequently in. Being given permission to listen to my body and not feel pressure to do everything was unfamiliar and liberating. I received rest I desperately needed and explored tough questions I'm wrestling with. I don't yet know the direction I will take, but I have tools and framework to work with.

    Retreat Participant

  • Some of my most meaningful moments: walking through some painful past experiences in a space of acceptance and safety, experiencing the back and forth of conversation and making deeper connections into the inner work in my life; feeling the freedom of crying and the joy of laughing; seeing and believing in the possibility of being more fully myself than I ever dreamed; feeling seen and known and changed in the process.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie has an incredible ability to make you feel safe while also knows exactly when to call you out on things. Even meeting virtually, I feel so comfortable to bring whatever it is I am thinking about to the table and that has not always been the case for me.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie is a women that emboldens others. To be in her presence is joy, and love. She leaves you hungry for more.

    Coaching Client

  • One of my favorite moments was starting our sessions with Stefanie's calming voice and "grounding" me by walking me through visions of beautiful interactions with God. As a person that struggles with generalized anxiety disorder staying focused is a huge challenge. Stefanie helped me focus on our time together. I always felt God's presence in such a beautiful and powerful way. Stefanie would point out things that made me understand I was already doing God's work, and because of it I started seeing myself without judgement and unworthiness.

    Coaching Client

  • Stefanie has an uncanny way of asking the questions or providing the prompts to allow you to discover truth you need to know or be reminded of without judgment or pressure.

    Coaching Client

  • I have been meeting with Stefanie regularly (1-2/month) for about 16 months. I struggled to find a therapist to simply listen and ask me to be curious about what I was hearing and feeling within myself, my body, and from God. Stefanie is quite gifted in this respected and opens invitations that feel right in line with what I am sensing.

    Coaching Client

  • She is intuitive, kind, talented, experienced, honest, receptive, genuine, and one of the best listeners I know. I like how she loosely structures our time together to include movement, talking, prayer, written response, and visualization--whatever seems to fit the topic we are investigating during the session.

    Coaching Client

  • I have attended three retreats at The Oaks and will returning in June with my husband for our first retreat as a couple. I have attended so many retreats of various types in the past, and The Oaks led by Stefanie stands out. She reads the room like no one else I know. It is obvious that she has prepared given the needs of those attending and is ready to dive in wherever attendees are, while being flexible if something shifts to do something unplanned or creative. Stefanie combines wisdom she has gained from her own life experiences with knowledge of the human body, mind, and spirit to create sessions that are clear and meaningful. Each time I am impressed!

    Retreat Participant and Coaching Client

  • Stefanie's presence in my life has been a game changer. FULL STOP. The Lord has used her gifts to show me God's love, remind me of the presence of the Holy Spirit, give me tools to develop a deeper hope and abiding in Jesus. I have been forever changed by spending time with Stefanie and I look forward to working with her for a long long time.

    Coaching Client

  • My favorite techiques have been those that are newer to me and stretch me: guided imagery and techniques that help me better connect to my body. One of my favorite things is Stefanie praying for me.

    Coaching Client