August 27: Angie’s Birthday Campover
Angie has easily become one of my best friends over the past few years. I am so blessed to have a friend like her in my life. She and I have so much fun together, and like a true good friend, we can laugh til we cry and cry til we laugh. So I was thrilled when she decided she wanted to celebrate her birthday with me and another dear friend of ours, Katie. Katie also is a best friend and for some reason, when the three of us are together, it actually works! One of my favorite memories is Katie, Angie and I laughing til we were crying at kathymay15 singing boom, boom, boom. It is one of those things you need to watch on youtube with friends to get it.
Ang and I spent the morning at iMPACT staff training then got subway and went to Marshalls. We got ready and met up with Katie and her kids and hung out at our house while the 5 kiddos played. Jut-the fantastic dad and husband he is, then let us go out while he stayed with all 5 of the kids. What a great man! We had a great time at dinner, sharing and laughing and then met up with some other friends. When we came home, Jut had the bonfire going and the outdoor string lights on for us. We ended the night cuddled up laughing in a tent we set up in the backyard.Ang and K8, thank you for your friendship, your honesty, your easy spirit, and your love for a broken gal like me. I treasure your friendship beyond measure. Thank you for being real. I love you!