Sept 11: 10 years twin towers and Katie run

I remember exactly where I was. I had just finished class at EIU, our teacher didn’t tell us (stinkin Stat’s teacher) and I walked into my friends house and the video of the plane and burning buildings was looped on the TV. I remember thinking it was a movie they rented. I feel so awful for the families of loved ones who lost someone that day. I am sad that there is such evil in the hearts of people.On a lighter note, we went to see Katie and her friends run the ½ in Chicago! I am so proud of you, Katie! Way to go, running for the Boyces team! We love you! PS if you look at the picture of the church, I took it from the passanger side, out Jut's drivers window, on the highway, and didn't even see the bird mid air til I got home!


Sept 13: Dinner at Angies


The Build Has Begun