Oct 22: Chili Cook off
The chili cook off “OPEN” house was a huge success! We had a great turn out, made the local paper, and raised over $1,000 just from the chili votes. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day! Thank you to the 12 people that brought chili, Steve Brandon, Sherry Brandon, Micah Montondo, Cindy Jorgenson, Jason Alm, Lauren Ball, Concetta Kellough, Joan Boyce, Jill Boyce, Sarah Lerner, Kelly Hubert, and Gil Miller. YUM! And thanks to Kalie and Robert for cornbread and the video. Thanks to Joan for helping decorate, and a special thanks to Jan Brooks for an over the top carmel apple bar and cornbread! Thank you Jan Devore for the pop. It was a beautiful day, and we celebrated as the men worked! FUN!She also interviewed our friends so there are a few of them in the paper as well with their political opinions!http://www.zion-bentonnews.com/PS still looking for any photos of the day if you have them!Our friends and family left us blessings on the plywood that will be a part of our roof...here are a few: