Dec 24, Merry Christmas!

Christmas was so nice this year. We bounced from Ken and Joans Christmas Eve, to our house Christmas morning , back to Ken and Joan’s for Christmas night. Dinner was low key and so were the presents.We did white elephant’s both nights, which kept everyone excited. I even got a package of toilet paper that has supplied us the entire month of January! I love watching the kids open gifts. Brooklyn was especially into opening, trying to open every present under the tree. Jayden really didn’t care about opening gifts, but we put on the letter factory video and his face lit up Christmas morning! There were definitely a lot of fun memories. At one point, Jayden and Brooklyn were sitting together and I was able to get some pictures. I love a home full of family, laughing, talking over one another, the game on in the other room, people nibbling on food as they linger in the kitchen chatting, and forgetting what cup is mine. I know not everyone has a “story book” Christmas….but I am so thankful that it is true of my family. It is also so nice that every year, my mom and Steve come out to join us. It wouldn’t be the same without them.


Dec 31, 2011 Happy New Year!


Through the Eyes of Sanfilippo-a grandmother's perspective